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Enabling GitHub Copilot Enterprise features

Learn how to enable or disable the features available with GitHub Copilot Enterprise.


To enable users to use Copilot Enterprise features, your GitHub Enterprise Cloud enterprise must have a subscription to Copilot Enterprise. For more information, see "Quickstart for GitHub Copilot."

Access to Copilot is determined at the enterprise and organization levels:

When access to Copilot has been enabled, features such as the ability to use Copilot on, can be configured. Features are enabled or disabled at the enterprise or organization level:

  • Enterprise owners can set Copilot features to be enabled or disabled for all organizations in the enterprise that have access to Copilot. Alternatively, they can allow each organization to set its own policy for each feature.
  • If the enterprise owner has permitted it, organization owners can enable or disable Copilot features for their organization.

This article explains how to enable or disable the features of GitHub Copilot Enterprise at the enterprise level, and for an individual organization.

About Copilot Enterprise features

GitHub Copilot Enterprise provides AI features to enhance your experience on, such as the ability to chat with Copilot in the browser and reference context for Copilot from across your project repositories. For more information, see "GitHub Copilot Enterprise feature set."

When members are granted access to the features, they'll be notified by email that they have access. The message includes instructions on how to start using the features.

Enabling or disabling GitHub Copilot Enterprise features for an enterprise

An enterprise owner can choose whether to enable GitHub Copilot Enterprise features for all organizations, disable for all organizations, or allow each organization to choose its own policy for the features. By default, each organization can choose its own policy.

  1. In the enterprise account sidebar, click Policies.

  2. Under " Policies", click Copilot.

  3. On the "GitHub Copilot Business" or "GitHub Copilot Enterprise" management page, click the Policies tab.

  4. Next to "Copilot in," click the dropdown menu and select the policy you want to enforce.

    • No policy - Allow each of your organizations to set their own policy. "Copilot in" will initially be disabled for all organizations, but can be enabled by organization owners in their organization settings.
    • Enabled - Allow use of "Copilot in" by all members of organizations in your enterprise who have been granted access to Copilot.
    • Disabled - Prevent organizations from assigning Copilot Enterprise seats to members under the enterprise's Copilot Enterprise subscription.
  5. If you select Enabled, two check boxes are displayed.

    • Give Copilot access to Bing - This is unselected by default. Select this check box to allow GitHub Copilot Chat to use Bing search results to provide information for its responses. For more information, see "Using GitHub Copilot Chat in"
    • Opt in to user feedback collection - This is selected by default. Clear this check box to prevent the display of the thumbs up and thumbs down feedback icons after Copilot generates a pull request summary. If you opt in to collection of user feedback, when a user selects one of these icons, the pull request summary will be returned to GitHub to provide context for the user's feedback. If you clear this check box, the thumbs up and thumbs down feedback icons will still be displayed below each response in the Copilot Chat panel, and users will still be able to submit written feedback to GitHub about Copilot generally via the "Give feedback" link in the chat panel. For more information, see "Using GitHub Copilot Chat in"


    • If you choose No policy for the "Copilot in" option, user feedback will be allowed for any organization that enables GitHub Copilot Enterprise. Organization owners will be able to choose whether to allow Copilot to access Bing.
    • Bing search integration into Copilot Chat in is currently in beta and is subject to change.

Enabling or disabling Copilot Enterprise features for an organization

To give people or teams within your organization access to GitHub Copilot Enterprise, you need to assign them a GitHub Copilot seat. Once a GitHub Enterprise Cloud admin enables a Copilot Enterprise subscription in your organization, you can assign GitHub Copilot seats to individuals and teams in your organization. To enable access for all current and future users in your organization, or specific users in your organization, follow the steps in "Managing access for Copilot in your organization."

If your organization's parent enterprise has selected No policy for "Copilot in" in the enterprise settings, GitHub Copilot Enterprise will be disabled by default for your organization. If you are an owner of the organization, you can choose to enable or disable the additional features provided by GitHub Copilot Enterprise for all of the organization's members who have access to Copilot.

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.

    Screenshot of the dropdown menu under @octocat's profile picture. "Your organizations" is outlined in dark orange.

  2. Next to the organization, click Settings.

  3. In the "Code, planning, and automation" section of the sidebar, click Copilot, and then click Policies.

    Note: If the side panel only contains the Access option under Copilot, you need to allow the organization to assign Copilot seats. Complete the steps for configuring Copilot access in "Managing access for Copilot in your organization" and then return to this procedure.

  4. Next to "Copilot in", select the dropdown menu (labeled Disabled by default), then choose from the following options.

    • Enabled: The feature is enabled for all members of the organization.
    • Disabled: The feature is disabled for all members of the organization.
  5. If you select Enabled, the option Give Copilot access to Bing is displayed.

    Select Give Copilot access to Bing to allow Copilot Chat to use search results from Bing to answer questions where appropriate.

Configuring Copilot Enterprise features for an organization

After Copilot Enterprise has been enabled for an organization, an administrator should spend a few minutes setting up their organization to ensure users have a great onboarding experience.

  1. Index your organization's most popular repositories.

    Copilot Enterprise works best when repositories have semantic code indexing enabled. For more information, see Using GitHub Copilot Chat in


    Initial indexing can take up to 30 minutes for large repositories. Once a repository has been indexed for the first time, updates should be indexed much more quickly (typically within 5 minutes).

  2. Create at least one knowledge base.

    Knowledge bases bring together Markdown documentation across one or more repositories and make them available through Copilot Enterprise. Once created, organization members can specify a knowledge base as the context for Copilot Chat in For more information, see "Managing Copilot knowledge bases."

Further reading